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An Evening of Celebration: GEAA's 20th Anniversary of Protecting the Hidden Heart of Texas

Gather with us for a buffet dinner catered by Tim the Girl, San Antonio’s very own James Beard Fellow in the lush oasis of the Ivy Hall event space in the King William neighborhood.

TIME: 6:30-9:00 PM
PLACE:  IVY HALL- 1127 South St. Mary’s – San Antonio Texas 78210

Proceeds support GEAA and our 59 member organizations whose common mission is to protect our groundwater resources. We will celebrate all who have made our work possible over the last 20 years and toast to the next 20 years!



We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes effective broad-based advocacy for protection and preservation of the Edwards Aquifer, its springs, watersheds, and the Texas Hill Country that sustains it.

The Essence of GEAA

The Edwards Aquifer Ecosystem of Central Texas is one of our most valuable, irreplaceable and endangered public treasures. The EPA recognizes it as a “Sole Source” water supply. It is the only source of drinking water for millions of Texans.

It is our right and duty to preserve and protect the Aquifer, its contributing Hill Country watersheds, its great springs, and its native biodiversity for the benefit of all residents and all future generations. As individuals and community-based organizations, we invite everyone who shares the desire to preserve the Edwards Aquifer to join with us.

GEAA Programs

The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance has originated a comprehensive program of science, advocacy, and public engagement aimed at protecting the quality and quantity of spring flows from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers. We are in need of support to fund key projects that are currently underway.

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The EPA just provided Guajolote Ranch opponents a boost.

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Guajolote EPA issued its first-ever national, legally enforceable drinking water standards image

The EPA just provided Guajolote Ranch opponents a boost.

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State OKs plan for controversial quarry expansion near Garden Ridge-The land is in the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone, where water enters the groundwater system that San Antonio relies on.

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