Natural Resources Committee Hears GEAA’s Top Bill

The House Natural Resources Committee met yesterday to hear comments about HB 595 and HB 1508, among others. Several GEAA members and supporters came to speak in support of these bills – thank you!

If you’d like to see a recording of yesterday’s hearing, go to the Natural Resource Committee’s archived broadcasts and click on the broadcast listed for 3/17/09, starting at 12:06 pm.

For a list of relevant bills considered at yesterday’s meeting, read below:

HB 595: Leibowitz/Rodriguez – Relating to a restriction on permits authorizing discharges of sewage effluent into any water in the contributing or recharge zone of the San Antonioor Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer

HB 1508: Bolton – Relating to a restriction on permits authorizing direct discharges of waste or pollutants into water in certain areas associated with the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer.

HB 1662: King, Phil- Relating to the availability of certain Upper Trinity GWCD financial information on the district’s internet website.

HB 1664: King, Phil – Relating to an exemption for groundwater used for certain purposes from production fees assessed by the Upper TrinityGWDC

HB 1318: Legler – Relating to the eligibility, service, and removal of persons appointed to the TCEQ

HB 1518: Corte – Relating to the additional f territory to and the amount of production fees imposed by the Trinity Glen Rose GWCD

HB 43: Corte – Relating to permitting requirements of groundwater conservation districts, including permits to transfer water

HB 1992: Martinez Fischer – Relating to the authorization of certain reuse water system contributions and discharges


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