San Marcos River Restoration Plan Meeting May 12th

The next San Marcos River Restoration Plan meeting will be on May 12th from 9am-12pm at the Price Center in San Marcos.

This meeting will include discussion on outreach and education (discussion to be led by Flo Oxley of the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center), bank stabilization ( discussion to be led by Melani Howard of the city of San Marcos) and Fish Passage and Dam Alteration/Removal (discussion to be led by Mara Alexander of the USFWS ).

Please contact Mara Alexander with any questions (contact information below).

Thank you for your interest in helping to restore the San Marcos River.

The address of the Price Center is 222 W. San Antonio St. It is downtown at the intersection of San Antonio and Comanche Streets. The building looks like an old rambling white church building with very large white columns on the front porch. Enter at the side, where a long ramp with white iron railings leads to a doorway marked Entrance. Please do not park in the alley, which is the parking area for the elderly clients to reach the ramp easily. Please park at the abandoned service station across the alley from Tantra Coffeehouse, fronting on Hopkins Street. Tantra is the red building across the street from HEB, and Tantra backs up to our Price Center. If there is not enough parking there at the old service station, Dianne will stand outside and direct those coming to our meeting to another lot nearby, where our employees park.

Mara L. Alexander, Ph.D.
Region 2 Dive Officer
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
San Marcos National Fish Hatchery and Technology Center
500 E McCarty Lane
San Marcos, TX 78666
(512)-353-0011 x228
Fax: (512)-353-0856


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