S.B. 2222: Worthy of Our Support

Time is getting short to move important legislation onto the floor. Please take a minute to call or email your Representatives and Senators about S.B. 2222.

As you may know, intense development is increasingly impinging upon the critical military mission at Camp Bullis in northern Bexar County. As land surrounding Camp Bullis is developed, endangered Golden Cheeked Warblers are relocating to the base, thus limiting the land available to the military to conduct training. It goes without saying that the Army contributes immensely to the local ecnomony, but their presence has meant good stewardship of several thousand acres over the Edwards Aquifer as well.

In response to concerns about Camp Bullis, Senator Leticia Van de Putte has drafted S.B. 2222, which would create Regional Military Sustainability Commissions (RMSCs) and grant them the authority to regulate development in unincorporated territories located within five miles of the boundary lines of any military installation for which a Joint Use Study has been completed. (A draft JLUS for Camp Bullis is available online.) If passed, S.B. 2222 will help to ensure compatible development around a military installation. Developers and builders who oppose any sort of land use regulations are, of course, opposed to this bill.

As stewards of the Edwards Aquifer and the wildlife dependent upon it, we urge you to contact your Senators and members of the Veteran Affairs & Military Installations Committee and encourage them to support this bill. Those of you in Jeff Wentworth’s district, we especially need you to contact him and ask for his support. Please help us move this legislation toward passage this session!


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