Call for Action: U.S. Surface Transportation Act

In the next few weeks, the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will consider reauthorizing the Surface Transportation Act. We need your help to tell Congress to use this opportunity to reduce stormwater runoff pollution from the nation’s 985,139 miles of federal highway.

These roads and highways, built with federal taxpayer dollars, have an enormous negative impact on water quality throughout the nation. Stormwater runoff carried from these roads impairs nearby lakes, streams, and rivers by dumping high volume, high velocity flows into waterways, which erodes streambanks and fills them with deicing agents, toxic metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, bacteria, and sediment.

Before Committee considers reauthorizing the Surface Transportation Act, it is important that Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN) hear from Houes members that it is imperative to control stormwater discharges from our nation’s roadways. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) has sponsored a Dear Colleague letter requesting that the reauthorization bill include language to control stormwater pollution from federally subsidized roads. Please call your U.S. Representative today and ask him or her to sign Del. Norton’s Dear Colleague letter in support of stormwater runoff mitigation on our nation’s highways!

For more information about this important issue, please visit the American Rivers website.


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