January Conference: Pumping Limits for Texas Aquifers: Desired Future Conditions Process

The Texas A&M Graduate Water Program, Texas Agrilife Extension, and the Texas Water Development Board have planned a conference addressing pumping limits for Texas’ aquifers and the desired future condition process. The upcoming conference is scheduled for January 20-21, 2010, and will be held at the Thompson Conference Center on the UT Austin campus.

The slate of speakers represents some of the most important players in groundwater management in Texas and the various presentations are sure to address many of the most challenging issues currently facing groundwater managers in Texas. This process will also directly impact Texas landowners.

Read on for a detailed agenda and instructions for registration. We hope to see you there!

Pumping Limits for Texas Aquifers: Desired Future Conditions Process

January 20-21, Thompson Conference Center, Austin

Sponsored by Texas A&M University Graduate Water Program, Texas Agrilife Extension and Texas Water Development Board

Registration Fee: $75.00 online, $90.00 at door

Register on line: http://agrilifevents.tamu.edu/events/details.cfm?id=534

JANUARY 20, 2010, Wednesday

8:30 am Conference Check-in
Includes Refreshments

10:00 Welcoming Remarks

10:15 DFC Process and Progress
Overview of process, progress, deadlines and outcomes
Bill Hutchison, Texas Water Development Board, Austin

10:45 Criteria and Process Used for a Completed DFC
DFC considerations for Groundwater Management Area 8
Horace Grace, Clearwater Underground Water District, GMA 8, Belton
Randy Williams, Bar-W Groundwater Exploration, LLC, Sunset Valley

11:30 TWDB Determination of Managed Available Groundwater
Models and process the Board will use in determining the amount of groundwater available based on the DFC
Bill Hutchison, Texas Water Development Board, Austin

Noon Lunch on Your Own

1:15 Challenging DFC’s: The Petition Process
Stakeholders can challenge DFC’s through the TWDB & TCEQ? Discussion of process, procedures and expected outcomes
Joe Reynolds, Texas Water Development Board, Austin
Christopher Jensen, Sprouse, Shrader, Smith, Amarillo
C.E. Williams, Panhandle GCD, White Deer

2:15 Enforcement & Monitoring of DFC’s
Possible changes in District management plans, rules and permits in a post DFC world? How will districts monitor and enforce compliance
Brian Sledge, Lloyd Gosselink, Austin
Gary Westbrook, Post Oak Savannah GCD, Milano

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15 DFC Impact on Private Property Rights
Discussion of possible impacts on private property rights resulting from the DFC process. How will aquifer pumping caps impact landowner rights to groundwater
Russ Johnson, McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore, Austin
Greg Ellis, Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts, Austin
Billy Howe, Texas Farm Bureau, Austin

4:15 Panel Discussion on Private Property Rights
Opportunity for speaker rebuttals and audience questions.

5:00 Adjourn

5:30 Reception

JANUARY 21, 2010, Thursday

8:00 Conference Room Opens

8:30 Integration of DFC’s into Regional Planning
Presentation and discussion on how RWPG’s will integrate DFC’s in the next round of planning. Implications of the DFC’s in meeting future water needs
Matt Nelson, Texas Water Development Board, Austin
Steve Walthour, Planning Region A, Dumas

9:15 Potential DFC Impacts on Growing Municipal Water Needs
Will the process hinder or help efforts to provide water to meet the growing urban and municipal water needs of Texas
Calvin Finch, San Antonio Water System, San Antonio
John Burke, Aqua Water Supply Corp., Bastrop

10:15 Break

10:30 Issues in the DFC Process: Different Perspectives
Discussion of possible changes to the DFC process

Noon Adjourn


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