TCEQ Sunset Review Town Hall Meeting-November 8th, 2010

Dear GEAA members and friends,

The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance invites you to join state, local and county elected officials from San Antonio and surrounding communities to recount your experiences with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and to share their suggestions for improving this agency, in light of TCEQ’s upcoming Sunset Review.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Sunset Review Town Hall Meeting.

Monday, November 8th from 6:00 – 8:30pm

San Antonio Central Library Auditorium
600 Soledad*, San Antonio, Texas

Co-sponsored by Alliance for a Clean Texas, Bexar Audubon Society, Citizens for the Protection of Cibolo Creek, Great Edwards Aquifer Alliance, Helotes Creek Nature Center, Leagues of Women voters of the San Antonio Area and Comal County, Lone Star and Alamo Groups of the Sierra Club, Southwest Workers Union, State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer, State Representative David McQuade Leibowitz, and

We will follow a citizens to be heard format, allowing six minutes each for presentations from government agencies and citizens groups. Individuals will be accorded three minutes each. Sunset Review Commissioners, State Representatives and Senators in attendance will have the opportunity to ask questions and converse with each presenter. We are aware of the breadth of topics that will be covered in this meeting, and are prepared to keep things moving so that all concerns can be heard.

Since this topic is so vital to the quality of life for those of us who live in Central Texas, we hope that you will be available to join in this important conversation. If you have any questions, or if you would like to co-sponsor the event, please contact Lisa Bowers at 210-320-1457 /

*free parking is provided at the Library garage (entrance on Soledad Street)


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