Hearing on Edwards Rules

It is once more time for the annual TCEQ Hearing on the rules that regulate development on the Edwards Aquifer. As you are all aware, these rules are not sufficiently protecting the aquifer. GEAA has been submitting the same comments since 2005. In 2006, 2007, and 2009, we added recommendations to those previously submitted but never acted upon.

The TCEQ has provided us a unique opportunity in San Antonio this year by scheduling the Edwards Rules Hearings at a time and place that is actually accessible. We invite you to join us:

Tuesday, November 16th
9am at the TCEQ park 35 Office Complex,
Building E, Room 201 S
12100 park 35 Circle, Austin

Thursday, November 18th
6:30p.m. at the Tesoro Building, Alamo Area Council or Governments
Al J. Notzon III Board Room
8700 Tesoro Drive, Suite 100, San Antonio

I will be sending out a request for coverage, and hope that they can report from a room full of concerned citizens. Since TCEQ is under sunset review this session, now is our time to draw attention to their lack of due diligence in protecting our water supply.

I hope to see you there!


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