TCEQ Hearing at the Capitol-December 15th

Dear GEAA Members and Friends,

The Sunset Advisory Commission public hearing on TCEQ will take place on Wednesday, December 15th. Join us that day in the Capitol as we continue to participate in this once-in-a-decade opportunity to make our state a healthier and safer place to live, work and raise our families.

Please let Special Projects Coordinator, Lisa Bowers, know if you plan to attend the hearing as soon as possible (lisa@ 210 320 1457). If you are unable to attend, but would like a statement to be read on your organizations behalf, please email a statement to or fax it to 210 320 6298.

Schedule for the Day:

Note: If you plan to testify, the first thing to do when you arrive at the Capitol is to register in E1.036 of Capitol Extension. You will need to fill out a Witness Affirmation form for each of the agencies you plan to testify on.

8:30- 9:45 Breakfast
Members’ Extension Lounge (E2.1002)

9:30 Welcome
Members’ Extension Lounge (E2.1002)

10:00 Group Photograph
Capitol Rotunda
Testimony on Railroad Commission should begin in the mid-morning, but public comments should not begin until sometime after 10:30

10:30 ACT Press Conference
Speaker’s Committee Room (2W.6)
Speakers have been set but all are welcome to attend

12:00 Lunch
You are welcome to bring your lunch in to the ACT headquarters room (E2.1002)
Lunch is available for purchase in the Capitol Grill Cafeteria (E1.002)

Performance Rotunda
Local student groups perform during the holiday season. You are invited to watch.

1:00 Letter to the Editor Training
Learn how to write an effective letter to the editor voicing your personal support to improve TCEQ. This will be a 15-minute session. Materials for LTEs will be available throughout the day.
Testimony on TCEQ should begin sometime after lunch. All testimony on the prior agency will be completed before moving on to the next agency.

4:00 Snacks
Snacks will be available in the ACT headquarters from 4:00 on

5:00 Evaluation

Please fill out one of our evaluation forms before you go home. We want to learn your thoughts on the way the hearing went, our collaborative efforts and next steps to make the Sunset review process effective. We will share your comments with the Sunset Advisory Commission.


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