Xeriscaping Bills will conserve Texas Water

Dear GEAA members and friends,

In today’s news are two excellent bills that GEAA is pleased to endorse. Senate Bill 198 and House Bill 449, by Sen. Kirk Watson and Rep. Dawnna Dukes would prevent Home Owners Associations (HOA’s) from restricting xeriscaping. It’s an issue that has received rising attention as the drought continues. Thanks and a tip of the hat to now SAWS President and CEO Robert Puente for filing similar bills during his past life as a State Representative.

Read more here.

GEAA is looking for support in the form of witnesses who would be able to testify about xeriscaping and your HOA’s involvement in xeriscaping. Folks who have stories to share (good or bad) please contact Annalisa@AquiferAlliance.org or Morgan.Scott@house.state.tx.us at the office of State Representative Dawnna Dukes (512-463-0506). We will keep you posted on these bills, and alert you when further support is needed.

In the meanwhile, if you are interested in learning more about xeriscaping with native plants, the San Antonio Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas is offering excellent workshops on this topic this spring.

For more on the big water issue that is dominating the 83rd Session, check out this excellent report from State Impact Texas on Preventing the Texas Water Plan from becoming a boondoggle.

Lastly, if you need a reminder on why we are so engaged with the future of water in Texas, you might want to take the Annual Tour of 700 Springs to visit the headwaters of the South Llano River on March 9th.

Stay tuned for more.

Annalisa Peace
Executive Director

You can always keep up with interesting water news on GEAA’s Facebook page and, you can mail contributions to support GEAA’s Legislative advocacy to PO Box 15618, San Antonio, Texas 78212


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