Citizens Rally to Protect the Aquifer and Bracken Bat Preserve

The Bat Cave Is SafeYou folks certainly know how to get someone’s attention!

On May 29th over 200 citizens showed up to give San Antonio’s Mayor Castro and City Council an earful about why we oppose a high density development on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone next door to the Bracken Bat Preserve.

GEAA was joined by Bat Conservation International, Alamo Group of the Sierra Club, Bexar Audubon Society, Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, Bexar Green Party, Green Spaces Alliance, Texas Audubon and many, many concerned nature lovers and water wonks who presented very compelling arguments urging City Council to take action to protect our water and millions of Mexican Freetailed Bats. Check out GEAA’s presentation here.

We got great news coverage of the event. Check it out to see if you are on the news:
San Antonio Express News
San Antonio Current
Texas Public Radio
The Source Texas Week with Rick Casey

Also check out a related YNN News story about aquifer recharge in Natural Bridge Caverns, right up the road from Bracken.

Since Mayor Castro and City Council did not commit to any action, we still need to keep up the pressure. You can contact the Mayor’s office at 210-207-7060 / and City Council at 210-207-7040 to let them know that you oppose the Crescent Hills Development. For more information click here.

Thank you to all who came down and to all of you who called. We are not there yet but, we can make this happen!


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