Join us in Austin on Feb. 16 | Sign the Fair Oaks Ranch petition

Dear GEAA members and friends,

GEAA has joined our Austin area member groups in opposing the Violet Crown Amphitheater, a totally inappropriate proposal to build a massive entertainment complex in the middle of Austin’s Barton Creek Habitat Preserve. The development would include a 20,000-capacity outdoor amphitheater, 28 & 20 story condo towers w/ 500 units, 3 night clubs, a restaurant, whiskey distillery with a 400-capacity indoor amphitheater, a driving range, pool club, and office space. This development would be completely out of scale with other development in the area, which consists of rural neighborhoods with one acre or larger lots. Read more about our objections here.

We hope to have a great crowd show up to a meeting of the Austin Environmental Commission meeting at 6PM on Wednesday, Feb 16th at Austin City Hall, (301 W 2nd St) in the council chambers. Join us!

In other news, the citizens of City of Fair Oaks Ranch invite you to sign this petition to notify the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Mayor & City Council Members of Fair Oaks Ranch, Fair Oaks Ranch City Manager and other members of Fair Oaks Ranch City leadership and committees, including city Planning and Zoning Committee, Boerne Independent School District (BISD), Camp Stanley, and Camp Bullis; that they do NOT support the establishment of a Permanent Rock and Concrete Crusher business in Fair Oaks Ranch as proposed by Bobcat Trucking, Inc., located 0.65 miles East of Ralph Fair Road (FM 3351) on Dietz Elkhorn Road. Reference TCEQ permit registration number 167675.

Regional Flood Planning efforts continue under the direction of the Texas Water Development Board. You can sign up here to receive news and meeting notices from the Guadalupe Basin Regional Flood Planning Group (RFPG 11). We encourage all of you who are concerned about flooding in this region to sign up and engage in this process.

And, finally, check your mailboxes next week for your annual GEAA membership renewal letter.  We rely on all of you to keep us going.  If you are not yet a GEAA member, we can fix that; you can donate on-line here and join the stalwart and generous folks who keep GEAA strong.


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