Update on our proposed amendments to San Antonio’s building code

Dear stormwater colleagues,

First, I want to thank everyone who was able to take the time to voice your support for the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) Unified Development Code (UDC) amendments for the Planning Commission meeting on Feb. 23 and at the Planning Commission Technical Advisory Committee meetings of March 14 and 22. As you know our effort was directed at two goals:

  • Increasing green space and detention on-site for managing stormwater to reduce runoff and improve water quality.
  • Protecting our floodplains.

From the March 14 experience on the Park Dedication recommendations, it became apparent that staff support of an amendment is crucial. Even though GEAA had met with City staff prior, their objections were not voiced until after the recommendations were submitted and we were going forward. The good news is that by going forward as far as we did, we learned the concerns of City staff and the development community, and, yes, some were legitimate and need to be addressed.

So where are we now on the recommendations?

Park dedicationDenied
Stormwater definitions Approved
Floodplain definitionsApproved
GEAA floodplain recommendationsPulled by GEAA
GEAA stormwater recommendation requiring detention on-sitePulled by GEAA
Stormwater recommendation for using shear stress calculations to protect floodplains and channels, to include goals from the City's Sustainability Plan, and for water quality within regional stormwater managementAddressed and approved through City's stormwater recommendations
Use of LID on infill development to capture 1.5 inches of stormwaterWill go forward to be heard on April 11, 2022 at PCTAC

As we go forward with this last recommendation to require LID on Infill Development, we are again asking for your support. Speaking to your City Council representative would be most appreciated. As many of you know, since there are no stormwater management requirements for Infill Development, the increased flooding in these areas has become a huge issue. This amendment will assist in protecting these existing neighborhoods.

Here are some talking points that will help make the case for this last recommendation:

  • The LID provision is already in the UDC as a requirement for the Rio Improvements Overlay District (along the Riverwalk) and is voluntary for most of the City. GEAA’s recommendation would make it mandatory for Infill Development and will assist in reducing stormwater runoff from these sites which are increasing local flooding within the existing neighborhoods.
  • By reducing stormwater runoff, future flood control projects that would need to be paid for by taxpayers, may be reduced in size and cost or even eliminated.
  • This provision will also move San Antonio towards meeting the City’s goal of improving water quality within our creeks and rivers.

Thanks so much. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at deborah@aquiferalliance.org.


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