Regulators: Critics can continue fight against Guajolote Ranch wastewater plant

By Liz Teitz, San Antonio Express News Aug. 14, 2024

GEAA, San Antonio Metro Health, and resident Elizabeth Ann Toepperwein, who owns property near the proposed discharge point, are among those meeting requirements to contest the permit for the proposed Guajolote Ranch Wastewater treatment plant, which could release up to 1 million gallons of treated treated wastewater per day into Helotes Creek.


2 Responses

  1. It is our duty and obligation to stop this wastewater plant.
    I wonder if maybe the Huntress family would consider selling the land in question to the state of texas. or maybe to conservation groups?
    The developer doesnt care what happens to our water supply! They are in Florida so what do they care. I stand in agreement with the people that are protesting the building of this waste water plant.
    Does every inch have to be developed and polluted?

  2. I just hope and pray that the state denies Lennar ( who are based in Florida) permission to
    pollute our water. Lennar is putting their greed ahead of the welfare of thousands. What do they care ? They live in Florida.

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