Water Wonks Hour Lecture Series #10: Texas Legislature 101 – The 89th session and interim charges

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The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance is pleased to introduce our 2024 Water Wonks Lecture Series. Mark your calendars for 3:30 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Water Wonks will feature a host of experts sharing innovative ideas and details about their work in the world of water.  The series is a free community education opportunity.

Please sign up using the form below to express your intention to attend this lecture.  Meeting details will be sent to your email as soon as you sign up.
Lecture #10: Texas Legislature 101 – The 89th session and interim charges
Speaker: Annalisa Peace – Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance Executive Director
Co-Speaker: Rachel Hanes – Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance Policy Director

Bio: Bios for Ms. Hanes & Ms. Peace are available here: https://aquiferalliance.org/geaa-staff/

Synopsis: It’s looking like it’ll be another water session at the Texas Capitol! As we head into the 2025 Legislative Session, Ms. Peace and Ms. Hanes will provide an overview of the Texas Legislature and how our unique legislative sessions work. They’ll highlight what’s happening in the 2024 interim session; the key legislative initiatives, bills of concern, and bills of opportunity likely to pop up in 2025; and how GEAA members and friends can get and stay involved in the legislative process. The Legislative Session is always a wild ride in Texas, but don’t worry – GEAA is ready to help you not only stay in the saddle, but also take the bull by the horns and become an informed citizen who can advocate for your best interests and the best interests of Texas water. 

Stay tuned for additional monthly lecture topics coming in 2024!


Oct 23 2024


3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
QR Code