Water Wonks Hour Lecture Series #3: Integrating Stormwater Ecosystem Services Into Local Governance

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The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance is pleased to introduce our 2024 Water Wonks Lecture Series. Mark your calendars for 3:30 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Water Wonks will feature a host of experts sharing innovative ideas and details about their work in the world of water. The series is a free community education opportunity.

Lecture #3: Integrating Stormwater Ecosystem Services Into Local Governance
Speaker: Danielle Craig. Graduate Part-Time Instructor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Texas Tech University
Bio: Danielle Craig holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Landscape Architecture, and a Juris Doctorate, all from Texas Tech University. She is also currently working on her Ph.D. in Land Use Planning, Management, and Design and is a part-time instructor at Texas Tech University in the Department of Landscape Architecture.
She has taught undergraduates in design studios focusing on landscape systems and urban design, highlighting the importance of stormwater management and design. While at Texas Tech, her research has focused on stormwater policy in local governance and produced water. She is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the American Society of Landscape Architects, and the American Planning Association, for which she is currently serving as Secretary of the Northwest Section of the Texas Chapter.
Synopsis: This research identifies key indicators for stormwater ecosystem services within the comprehensive plans and land development regulations in the Austin-San Antonio Corridor. The rapid urbanization in the Corridor has significant implications for both quality and quantity of stormwater. Identification of key indicators for stormwater ecosystem services within plans and land development regulations can help to restore natural hydrology, decrease stormwater volumes during precipitation events to help prevent flooding, and increase stormwater quality.
Integrating Stormwater Ecosystem Services into Local Governance is an assessment of the various ways that cities can, and are, incorporating stormwater ecosystem services into urban planning and development, including drainage and flood control, erosion and sediment control, and stormwater pollution and prevention. The presence of specific planning and design strategies, such as low impact development, reduction of impervious surfaces, land interests and burdens, and conservation development are also evaluated.
The results of the evaluation show that recognition of ecosystem services within comprehensive plans and land development regulations is highly variable, but that there is ample opportunity for integration. The findings can be used to guide advocacy for enhancing ecosystem services in local law and policy and the overall research framework can be adapted to different geographical locations.
Stay tuned for additional monthly lecture topics coming in 2024!
- Mar 27 2024
- Expired!
- 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm