More pollution in the Edwards Aquifer? Just say no!

Aquifer scientists consider Helotes Canyon, located upstream of the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, one of the most significant watersheds replenishing San Antonio’s drinking water supply.

Though Lennar has agreed to restrict impervious cover to 30%, the development will still convert hundreds of acres to hard surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, and rooftops. More runoff means higher risk of flooding and degraded water quality downstream. 

Ron Green, Ph.D., P.G., a respected hydrologist and contractor with Southwest Research Institute, describes this tipping point as when “when the rate of contaminants entering the aquifer with recharge exceeds the ability of the aquifer to cleanse itself by dilution.”

“In summary, any high-density development in the Helotes Creek watershed will push the Edwards Aquifer closer to the tipping point,” Dr. Green says.

YOU can make a difference in the outcome of this project!
Submit your comments and/or attend the TCEQ Public Meeting.

How to submit comments, questions, and concerns to the TCEQ.

To submit comments you will need the associated Water Quality (WQ) permit number:  WQ# is: WQ0016171001 

Public comments and requests must be submitted either

a) electronically at, or 

b) in writing to:

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality,
Office of the Chief Clerk, MC105
P.O. Box 13087,
Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

Must use the associated WQ number; WQ0016171001

Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address, and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record and you will be added to the mailing list.

You will have until May 9, 2023, to submit any comments, questions, and concerns.

Special Note: If you believe you will be an affected landowner in this case and/or would like to request a contested case hearing for this permit, please make note of that in your written comments.

Need A Copy of the Application/Need More Information?

GEAA’s member group “Save Scenic Loop” has posted the entire application on their website: .

Links to the application are at the bottom of the central box of text. Further, they have a template to follow to draft up comments regarding this application.

GEAA’s comments that were submitted to the TCEQ are available here

Attend the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s public meeting regarding the application and preliminary decision for the wastewater permit for the proposed Guajolote Ranch Housing development. 


Tuesday May 9th, 2023 7PM


DoubleTree by Hilton 6809 N Loop 1604 W San Antonio, Texas 78249


Where is the housing subdivision development Lennar Homes has planned for the Guajolote Ranch? 

  • In northwest Bexar County, roughly 5 miles north of Helotes, less than 2 miles north of Grey Forest, just over 5 miles northwest of San Antonio.
  • In the Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone, the land that catches rainwater and channels it downstream towards the sensitive land that recharges San Antonio’s drinking water.
  • In an area designated in San Antonio’s official North Sector Plan as “country,” suitable for properties 10 acres or larger. Lennar’s proposal is too dense to comply with the plan.