Double the traffic on Scenic Loop Road?

According to San Antonio’s Unified Development Code, Lennar Homes must submit a Traffic Impact Analysis to show how the Guajolote Ranch will affect congestion on Scenic Loop Road. 

To date, no such study has been submitted to the City of San Antonio or Bexar County. 

Though we’re still learning about Lennar’s plans, we do know a few things about how residential developments of this size add to existing traffic patterns:

According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers, single-family residential developments add 1.01 vehicle trips per house to evening peak-hour traffic. For the Guajolote Ranch development, that would mean another 3,030 vehicles on the road during rush hour. 

The latest traffic count from the Texas Department of Transportation states that the average annual daily traffic on the relevant Scenic Loop Road is 3,071 vehicles per day (2015). 

That means Guajolote Ranch would effectively double the traffic volume on Scenic Loop Road. 

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