Latest News
Update on our proposed amendments to San Antonio’s building code
From the March 14 experience on the Park Dedication recommendations, it became apparent that staff support of an amendment is crucial.
Words to foolish (and the wise) on this April 1
In recognition of April Fools’ Day, GEAA would like to give a shoutout to some folks who are, in our opinion, worthy of the title.
An invitation to talk to the Legislature about the TCEQ
Join us to let the Sunset Commission staff know how well (or, not) the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has been serving you.
Join us in Austin on Feb. 16 | Sign the Fair Oaks Ranch petition
GEAA has joined our Austin area member groups in opposing the Violet Crown Amphitheater, a totally inappropriate proposal to build a massive entertainment complex in the middle of Austin’s Barton Creek Habitat Preserve.
Hill Country Alliance joins GEAA as latest Member Group
Dear Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance members and friends, We are pleased to announce that the Hill Country Alliance has joined GEAA as our 34th member group. Although we have worked with HCA for many years now, we are thrilled to be working more closely in this new capacity with such a talented group of folks! Tomorrow our member groups will be meeting via Zoom (darn covid!) to set GEAA’s agenda for 2022. These annual meetings direct GEAA staff in the scope of work needed to address our common concerns. This is especially important in preparation for next year’s legislative session. They
GEAA hires two new full-time staffers to increase our efforts in 2022
Dear GEAA members and friends, I am delighted to announce that GEAA has hired two new full time staffers! Brendan Gibbons has joined the GEAA staff as Assistant Manager. Brendan comes to us from the San Antonio Report, where he reported on environmental issues for four years after a stint as environmental reporter for the San Antonio Express News. Many of you already know Brendan from his reporting on your issues. We hope you will be as pleased to work with him in this new capacity as I am. Brendan is already posting the latest water news on social media. You
Annalisa is blogging for the San Antonio Express-News!
We are pleased to announce that the San Antonio Express News has given Annalisa her own blog to report what is going on with the
Prevent Gridlock on Mopac: Act NOW to Stop the Aquifer Toll Road!
Do we need more highway lanes over the Barton Springs Recharge Zone? Elected officials who sit on the board of CAMPO, Austin’s local transportation planning
Check it out! Texas Water Resource Institute’s Newsletter
TWRI’s New Waves 2009 e-newsletter includes great articles relevant to water resource protection in Central Texas. Topics that might interest GEAA members include: a request
81st Legislature Status
With two weeks left of the 81st Legislative Session, we need to do all that we can to promote the bills that managed to make
Noche Verde May 14: Benefit for GEAA, BuildSA Green, USGBC & Green Spaces Alliance
Don’t miss your chance to party and shop to benefit your favorite green causes! Big Grass Bamboo is throwing a fundraiser for us on Thursday,
Hays County Greenprint Stakeholder Meeting: Monday, June 1st
Please save the date for the next Hays County Greenprint Stakeholder meeting: Monday, June 1st 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Dripping Springs ISD Central Administration