Latest News
Using “Rainy Day” Funds for Water Conservation a Great Idea!
The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) endorses the position stated jointly by the Lone Star Sierra Club and the National Wildlife Federation – Meeting Texas Water Needs. Recognizing the need for Texans to address our water needs, GEAA supports Representative Ritter’s HB 4 and HB 11 authorizing a one-time allocation of $2 billion from the State’s “Rainy Day” funds to capitalize a new, dedicated revolving fund for use in financing water projects in the State Water Plan. HB 4 especially recognizes two very important principles that the environmental community and others have flagged as critical to our water future: the need
House Committee Recommends Keeping the Status Quo
The Interim Report of the House Committee on Land and Resource Management has some overall good news in regards to what might or might not come up during the 83rd session. Among other charges, the committee was directed to “Examine current regulatory authority available to municipalities in their extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)” and to “Make necessary legislative recommendations to ensure a proper balance between development activities and municipal regulations.” We had dreaded the prospect that two bills filed last session that would have prohibited Texas cities from enforcing tree ordinances in their ETJ’s would be refilled this session. The interim report stated
Season’s Greetings and Many Thanks!
Dear GEAA members and friends, I am delighted to be here one more year to wish you a Happy Holiday Season. We have made so much progress on so many important issues during the past year; we have a lot to celebrate. I am especially grateful to our Board of Directors, the GEAA Staff, our member groups, and all of our wonderful volunteers. Special thanks to Travis Mann, Mark Wilkinson, Jim Smyle, Betty Dabney, and our interns from Texas State University, Our Lady of the Lake University, and Trinity University. None of us here at GEAA, however, would be able to
Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance and Texas State University students partner to map Sewage Leaks on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
Press Conference: Join members of GEAA’s Technical Team and Students of Texas State University for a demonstration of Interactive Maps illustrating causes, volumes and locations of sewage leaks in Bexar County on Friday, November 9, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at the AIA Center for Architecture (200 East Grayson, Suite 110 San Antonio, Texas 78215 in the Pearl Full Goods Building). A team of four students from Dr. Yongmei Lu’s Geographic Information Science class at Texas State University (TSU), working with the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA), have created a map of sewage leaks within the Edwards Aquifer Region. The interactive map,
Century Oaks Developers, City, SAWS Put on Notice of Intent to Sue for Failure to Comply with Federal Law
A Notice of Intent to Sue was mailed to Gordon Hartman and others affiliated with the Century Oaks development by Cibolo Creek Conservation Society Inc., Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (“GEAA”), and Aquifer Guardians for Urban Areas (“AGUA”) on November 7th. The Notice is directed to Gordon Hartman and Shaggy Development LLC) as well as Bitterblue, Inc., the City of San Antonio and San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and Judson Independent School District. The Notice alleges violations of the Endangered Species Act in the development of the Century Oaks / Wortham Oaks site located on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Century Oaks
GEAA Roasts Mayor Phil Hardberger
Click below to purchase tickets! GEAA Members $75.00 / Everyone Else $100.00 or mail check to: GEAA, PO Box 15618, San Antonio, Texas 78212 Proceeds are tax deductible and will support the programs of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance For additional information contact Annalisa at 210-320-6294 /
Annalisa is blogging for the San Antonio Express-News!
We are pleased to announce that the San Antonio Express News has given Annalisa her own blog to report what is going on with the
Prevent Gridlock on Mopac: Act NOW to Stop the Aquifer Toll Road!
Do we need more highway lanes over the Barton Springs Recharge Zone? Elected officials who sit on the board of CAMPO, Austin’s local transportation planning
Check it out! Texas Water Resource Institute’s Newsletter
TWRI’s New Waves 2009 e-newsletter includes great articles relevant to water resource protection in Central Texas. Topics that might interest GEAA members include: a request
81st Legislature Status
With two weeks left of the 81st Legislative Session, we need to do all that we can to promote the bills that managed to make
Noche Verde May 14: Benefit for GEAA, BuildSA Green, USGBC & Green Spaces Alliance
Don’t miss your chance to party and shop to benefit your favorite green causes! Big Grass Bamboo is throwing a fundraiser for us on Thursday,
Hays County Greenprint Stakeholder Meeting: Monday, June 1st
Please save the date for the next Hays County Greenprint Stakeholder meeting: Monday, June 1st 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Dripping Springs ISD Central Administration