Latest News
Chisum Amendment to TCEQ Bill Passes – see how your rep voted
Citizens across Texas suffered a significant loss of their rights protect private property and water resources when the State House of Representatives voted last night to adopt the Chisum amendment to the TCEQ Sunset Legislation. Even sadder, the 96 to 44 vote wasn’t even close. See how your representative voted here. Of our Hill Country Delegation who represent you: John Garza, Larry Gonzalez, Harvey Hildebran, Jason Isaac, Tracy King, Edmund Kuempel, Lyle Larson, Doug Miller and Charles Schwertner voted for the Chisum amendment to gut your ability to contest TCEQ permits. Deserving of our thanks for opposing the bill are Roland
GEAA opposes Chisum Amendment
A very serious threat to our ability to control pollution here in Texas is coming up in the House of Representatives today (Tuesday, April 19th). State Rep. Warren Chisum will attempt to sully HB 2694 – the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) “sunset” legislation – with an amendment that is identical to HB 3037 that would gut the process for contesting TCEQ permits – a process that currently allows citizens to improve pollution control permits or even stop the issuance of permits for bad projects. Specifically, the Chisum amendment is designed to give polluters yet another advantage in the contested
Join Us in Making 2011 A Great Year for the Aquifer!
You are cordially invited to celebrate the 6th Birthday of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance at a Cocktail Fundraiser at Willow Way January 28th, 2011 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Residence of James G. Lifshutz 7 Willow Way, San Antonio, Texas Tickets are $50.00 per person Double click on the paypal icon below to purchase your tickets online You can also send us a check to PO Box 15618, San Antonio, TX 78212 payable to GEAA with “Fundraiser” in the subject line. If you are not able to attend, but would like to make a donation that will benefit the Aquifer Alliance,
TCEQ Hearing at the Capitol-December 15th
Dear GEAA Members and Friends, The Sunset Advisory Commission public hearing on TCEQ will take place on Wednesday, December 15th. Join us that day in the Capitol as we continue to participate in this once-in-a-decade opportunity to make our state a healthier and safer place to live, work and raise our families. Please let Special Projects Coordinator, Lisa Bowers, know if you plan to attend the hearing as soon as possible (lisa@ 210 320 1457). If you are unable to attend, but would like a statement to be read on your organizations behalf, please email a statement to or fax
Hearing on Edwards Rules
It is once more time for the annual TCEQ Hearing on the rules that regulate development on the Edwards Aquifer. As you are all aware, these rules are not sufficiently protecting the aquifer. GEAA has been submitting the same comments since 2005. In 2006, 2007, and 2009, we added recommendations to those previously submitted but never acted upon. The TCEQ has provided us a unique opportunity in San Antonio this year by scheduling the Edwards Rules Hearings at a time and place that is actually accessible. We invite you to join us: Tuesday, November 16th 9am at the TCEQ park 35
Ebay Holiday Auction- Call for Donations
Dear GEAA Members and Friends, The holiday season is coming upon us fast! Once Thanksgiving passes, we will be bombarded with holiday paraphernalia, Christmas lights and snowmen (though probably no real snow…). Come December, we will be bombarded with new STUFF. The amount of clutter in our lives can become overwhelming. GEAA wants to help you clean out your closet! We are hosting our second annual ONLINE auction for the first two weeks in December. Donate items to GEAA and we’ll sell them online. Thanks to programs like MissionFish (Ebay’s charitable auction service), Ebay grants nonprofit organizations 100% of their proceeds.
Update on our proposed amendments to San Antonio’s building code
From the March 14 experience on the Park Dedication recommendations, it became apparent that staff support of an amendment is crucial.
Words to foolish (and the wise) on this April 1
In recognition of April Fools’ Day, GEAA would like to give a shoutout to some folks who are, in our opinion, worthy of the title.
An invitation to talk to the Legislature about the TCEQ
Join us to let the Sunset Commission staff know how well (or, not) the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has been serving you.
Join us in Austin on Feb. 16 | Sign the Fair Oaks Ranch petition
GEAA has joined our Austin area member groups in opposing the Violet Crown Amphitheater, a totally inappropriate proposal to build a massive entertainment complex in the middle of Austin’s Barton Creek Habitat Preserve.
Hill Country Alliance joins GEAA as latest Member Group
Dear Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance members and friends, We are pleased to announce that the Hill Country Alliance has joined GEAA as our 34th member
GEAA hires two new full-time staffers to increase our efforts in 2022
Dear GEAA members and friends, I am delighted to announce that GEAA has hired two new full time staffers! Brendan Gibbons has joined the GEAA