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Loka Studio – Yoga for a Cause supports GEAA during April
Loka Studios, providing family friendly yoga and a fully equipped Pilates studio at 18817 FM 2252 is celebrating Earth Day 2012 by donating proceeds from their classes to GEAA during the month of April. Stop by and partake of yoga, Pilates, belly dancing classes. They also offer meditation and health and nutrition counseling. So, stop by during the month of April and support GEAA while getting fit and healthy for this summer. You can reach them at / 210-653-5652
GEAA and SOS Commission Study of Land-Applied Effluents on the Edwards Aquifer
A new report released by the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance and Save Our Springs Alliance shows that the state’s permitting of land disposal of wastewater is failing to protect the Edwards Aquifer and Hill Country springs, creeks, rivers, and groundwater. According to the report, Land Applied Wastewater Effluent Impacts on the Edwards Aquifer, prepared by Dr. Lauren Ross, Ph.D., P.E. of Glenrose Engineering, a growing body of evidence establishes that poorly operated systems and a lack of permit standards are putting water resources at risk and leading to pollution. Building on current studies and data, Dr. Ross’s report undertakes a comprehensive
TWRI to host Watershed Coordinators Roundtable, Stakeholder Facilitation Training
The Texas Water Resources Institute will host a Texas Watershed Coordinators Roundtable Jan. 25 at the Texas Farm Bureau Conference and Training Center in Waco. To RSVP, visit Preceding the roundtable, a Stakeholder Facilitation Training will be held Jan. 24, also at the Texas Farm Bureau Conference and Training Center. The training, instructed by Charlie MacPherson of Tetra Tech, will highlight the tools used to effectively identify, engage and involve stakeholders throughout a watershed to restore and maintain healthy environmental conditions. More information and registration is available online.
Vote For Proposition 8 on November 8th
Securing Clean Reliable Water for Texas’ Future – Vote for Prop. 8 Vote Early October 24th – November 4th Election Day is November 8th Prop 8 will help Texas, secure a reliable supply of water for our children and grandchildren, protect water quality in our streams, rivers and aquifers, increase our water supply, which will help keep water rates affordable, and enhance water conservation by encouraging more efficient water usage. For more information click here.
TCEQ Hosts First Central Texas Environmental Summit
Texans living and working along the Austin/San Antonio I-35 corridor are invited to attend the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s first Central Texas Environmental Summit on Thursday, Nov. 3, at the Schertz Civic Center in Schertz. Under the theme of “Collaboration Along the Corridor,” the summit’s mission is to give stakeholders the opportunity to work together on seeking solutions to environmental challenges in the community. TCEQ commissioners will participate in presentations on environmental topics that affect Central Texas, such as water availability and air quality. In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to discuss environmental concerns with their local legislative leaders
Eat Pizza to Save the Aquifer!
California Pizza Kitchen is sponsoring great food for a great cause. Now giving back is as easy as enjoying a meal with your family and friends. On July 13th, 2011 the Alamo Quarry location of California Pizza Kitchen will donate 20% of all its proceeds from take-out, catering, dine-in, and alcohol sales to the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance. It has never been this easy to protect your Aquifer! All you have to do is print out this flyer and bring it in with you anytime between 11:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on July 13th show up, and enjoy a great meal
AGUA and CASE sign on to Lawsuits to protect Local Endangered Species
Final Legal Challenge Filed to Bush Administration’s Political Interference in Endangered Species Decisions; Half a Million Acres of Protection Sought for 19 Species in Nine
Judge Biery delivers lucid ruling on AGUA/TURF Hwy. 281 Case
U.S. District Court Judge Fred Biery denies a motion by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to dismiss as moot a lawsuit by GEAA member group
Hills of Castle Rock Development Settlement Reached
GEAA and San Geronimo Valley Alliance (SGVA) are very pleased to announce that a settlement agreement has been finalized between SGVA and BP Properties, Ltd.
Aquifer Groups Host US Fish and Wildlife Town Hall Meeting on Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnows
Aquifer Groups Host US Fish and Wildlife Town Hall Meeting on Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnows When: Monday, September 22nd at 5:00 p.m. Where:
Joe Straus Elected Speaker
AUSTIN – Texas legislators unanimously elected Rep. Joe Straus III speaker of the state House Tuesday, making Straus the first San Antonio leader of the