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Rep. Leibowitz Files Bill to Prohibit Discharge of Sewage Effluent into Edwards Aquifer Waterways
“I filed H.B. 595 because the 1.7 million Texans whose source of drinking water is the Edwards Aquifer should not have to worry about treated sewage contaminating their water,” said Leibowitz. “In 2007, the Helotes debris fire contaminated wells near the aquifer when water was applied to the fire for just a few short days. Now, there’s a proposal to pour up to 1 million gallons of treated sewage each day into a creek that directly feeds the Edwards Aquifer. That’s just unacceptable.” The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance, the Alamo Soil and Conservation District, the cities of San Antonio and Austin,
GEAA Enlists Your Help with Warbler Watch Program
To help implement the proposed “Warbler Watch” program for the Texas Hill Country, GEAA recently established a partnership with Texas A&M University (TAMU) researchers. The goal of this collaborative program is to develop and implement a long-term and sustainable monitoring program, which will determine trends in distribution, abundance, habitat use, and breeding success of the GCWA across its breeding range. We propose to integrate with and expand upon comprehensive GCWA studies initiated by TAMU in 2003, which were enlarged to include a range-wide monitoring program during 2008. GEAA would help recruit volunteers and landowners, and distribute related educational materials to a
Watch Texas: State of Flowing Water on-line
Did you miss Texas Parks and Wildlife’s documentary, Texas: The State of Flowing Water? Don’t worry! You can watch the full show online. Explore the threats facing Texas water and learn what can be done to help. Watch the video here. Watch the show now, at for more information.
AGUA and CASE sign on to Lawsuits to protect Local Endangered Species
Final Legal Challenge Filed to Bush Administration’s Political Interference in Endangered Species Decisions; Half a Million Acres of Protection Sought for 19 Species in Nine States SAN FRANCISCO — In a final challenge to the Bush administration’s political interference in endangered species decisions, the Center for Biological Diversity today filed seven separate lawsuits concerning designation of critical habitat for 18 species, including the San Bernardino kangaroo rat, Arkansas River shiner, Riverside fairy shrimp, 12 Texas invertebrates and three California plants, and one formal notice of intent to sue concerning listing of the Colorado River cutthroat trout. “Eight years of the Bush
Judge Biery delivers lucid ruling on AGUA/TURF Hwy. 281 Case
U.S. District Court Judge Fred Biery denies a motion by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to dismiss as moot a lawsuit by GEAA member group AGUA and TURF. In elegant summation, Judge Biery writes, “No San Antonian is an island, entire of itself; each is a piece of South Texas, a part of the Edwards Escarpment. If our refuse washes into the aquifer, all are the less …”
Hills of Castle Rock Development Settlement Reached
GEAA and San Geronimo Valley Alliance (SGVA) are very pleased to announce that a settlement agreement has been finalized between SGVA and BP Properties, Ltd. regarding the proposed Hills of Castle Rock development located ten miles northwest of Helotes. The Hills of Castle Rock’s application for a permit to release wastewater effluent into the San Geronimo Creek, a major conduit of recharge to the Edwards Aquifer, inspired State Representative David Leibowitz to file HB 595 (State Senator Leticia Van de Putte filed companion SB 822) to prohibit this practice. Under the terms of the agreement, no effluent will be released into
Support Table for Stormwater Recommendations
Summary of policy changes and recommendations to improve stormwater management Deborah Reid, Technical Director Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance Spring 2018 Goals of recommended changes: Prevent
Forum to Discuss Local Options for Hill Country Counties – 6/5/2018
Forum to Discuss Local Options for Hill Country Counties Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Place: GVTC Auditorium, 36101 FM 3159,
GEAA releases Position Paper and Recommendations for Managing Stormwater in San Antonio, Texas
A team of experts convened by GEAA in October 2017 has sent a report to the City of San Antonio detailing recommendations for better
Planning for Growth for Comal County
February 2nd & 3rd Presentations from the Conference Overview of the State of Comal County Bob Templeton President, Templeton Demographics Bob has been the primary
Community Rain Garden Project
What is a Rain Garden? Community Rain Gardens Project Synopsis Community Rain Gardens and Under Your Feet Campaign Implementing Low Impact Development: A Process for
Carbon Offsets — EcoShare
Be your own hero. Choose a plan that helps the planet and reduces your carbon footprint. When you sign up for the EcoShare program, a