Legacy Giving

GEAA has benefited greatly from past legacy gifts bequeathed to us by individuals who realized the value of supporting our mission to preserve and protect our water resources for future generations.
You can leave a legacy with a bequest to the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance,
ensuring that the work to support effective broad-based advocacy
for protection and preservation of the Edwards Aquifer,
its springs, watersheds, and the Texas Hill Country that sustains it will continue.

We are happy to work with you and your financial advisors.
You may also simply designate a bequest by including the following language in your will:

I bequeath to the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (Tax ID #25- 1907558), a nonprofit organization located in San Antonio, TX: the sum of _________ dollars; or an amount equal to ________ percent of the net value of my estate; Or all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate.

If you wish to explore planned giving, please contact Executive Director
Annalisa Peace at annalisa@aquiferalliance.org
or Office Manager Kellie Fichter at kellie@aquiferalliance.org.