GEAA Links Page

EPA Civil Enforcement Program- Fact Sheet

Enforcing our nation’s environmental laws and regulations serve as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) foundation for protecting human health and the environment. Most of these laws contain both civil and criminal provisions which give the agency the authority to take action against violators of those laws. Through the enforcement program, the EPA holds polluters accountable and strives to have them prevent reoccurrence and, in appropriate cases, reduce the harm to the communities impacted by their actions.

Texas Living Waters Project Guide to Charting Texas’ Water Future

In order to design a wise way forward, our decision-makers and community members must have a shared understanding of how our decisions might impact our state’s environment, economy and long-term resilience. Read on as we explore the strategies in Texas’ water security toolbox, good and bad.

The Todd Votteler Archives
Todd Votteler served as special master for the U.S. District Court in Midland in the Sierra Club v. San Antonio case and has in-depth first hand knowledge of the many complicated legal, hydrologic, economic, and cultural issues surrounding the Edwards Aquifer. He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Geography and is a frequent contributor to popular publications on the Edwards and water issues in Texas. He currently serves as Executive Manager of Governmental Relations and Policy for the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority and Executive Director of the Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust, providing leadership and stewardship in developing and protecting Texas’ water resources. Check out the link to explore his articles!Vulcan Kendall Co Cement Batch plant comments 11-17 (2)

A Minute for the Environment: Podcast with San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (1/19/11)
Environment Texas talks with San Antonio Mayor, Julian Castro. Mayor Castro talks about San Antonio’s leadership in solar energy, potential plans to shut down a local power plant, and the city’s recycling initiatives.

“What You Need to Know About Texas Water”
Presentations by speakers at the LWV Regional Water Forum presented November 6th, 2010 in Seguin are now available for you viewing at the LWV-TEXAS website.

Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District
Learn about the groundwater in Kendal County with an informative video.

Frio Bat Flight and Hill Country Adventures
This site is full of outdoor activities for adventure-seekers.

Article from Water Efficiency: “Water is the New Oil” (November-December 2009 issue)
“This article serves as a quick-and-dirty look at water conservation. It will inform about the health of our current water supply, give a brief overview on important water legislation, review a variety of strategies and techniques for irrigation and stormwater management, and conclude with real-world applications.”

Search Engine For Scientific Government Reports And Information
This search engine includes many federal agencies and searches entire document texts for numerous reports.

Texas Water Development Board Maps
Water Data Interactive – Data, Apps, and Maps
Download PDFs of major aquifers, minor aquifers, and major river basins under the “Natural Resources” section. Go to the “Administrative Boundaries” section for maps of Groundwater Management Areas, Groundwater Conservation Districts, and Regional Water Planning Groups.

TCEQ Regional Offices
This PDF includes a map, list of managers, addresses, and phone numbers.

Natural Security Report: How Sustainable Water Strategies Are Preparing Communities for a Changing Climate
American Rivers’ Natural Security Report focuses on the use of green infrastructure by eight communities as an approach to adapt to the anticipated impacts from climate change.

Census of Agriculture Data at the Watershed Level
Results from the Census of Agriculture have now been published at the watershed level by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The information is available for all 20 major water sources in the United States, as well as for each of the 376 water basins.

Public Transit from San Antonio to Austin!
Texas State’s Bobcat Tram system’s route stops in Austin, Kyle, San Marcos, New Braunfels, and San Antonio. It is offered to Texas State students, faculty, and staff – and the general public, at an additional cost. The route runs on most weekdays, excluding school holidays.

The Hays County RoundUp
The RoundUp blog invites you to tune in as we will be presenting the “healthy skeptic’s view,” digging below the spin and uncovering the truth behind the votes and decisions of our local government decision makers.

EPA Watershed Wiki
Watershed Central includes a feature called a wiki, which is web site that allows the user to submit and edit content so that the information is constantly updated by the watershed community (just like Wikipedia). The wiki includes case studies, information on watershed organizations and various watershed management tools.

South Llano Watershed Alliance
The South Llano Watershed Alliance is an organization of landowners and interested stakeholders whose mission is to preserve and enhance the South Llano River and adjoining watersheds by encouraging land and water stewardship through collaboration, education, and community participation. Check out this group’s website for more information!

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Draft Strategic Plan for Climate Change
The USFWS’ Strategic Plan for Climate Change draft is available for review and public comment. Note that the comment period is open through November the 23, 2009.

Gregg Eckhardt’s Edwards Aquifer Website
This is by far the most comprehensive Edwards Aquifer site managed by a private citizen. If you have questions, Gregg probably has answers!

Green Hour
The parents’ place for nature, play, and learning.

National Cave and Karst Research Institute
The goals of the NCKRI are to:

  • Advance cave and karst science by conducting, coordinating, and facilitating research.
  • Serve as a repository for and provide analysis and synthesis of speleological (cave related) information.
  • Foster partnerships and cooperation in cave and karst research, education, and management programs.
  • Promote and conduct cave and karst educational programs.
  • Promote national and international cooperative programs that further cave and karst research, education, and stewardship.
  • Develop and promote environmentally sound and sustainable cave and karst management practices.

National Geographic Freshwater Website
By 2050, a third of the people on Earth may lack a clean, secure source of water. Join National Geographic in exploring the local stories and global trends that define the world’s water crisis. Learn about freshwater resources and how they are used to feed, power, and sustain all life. See how the forces of technology, climate, human nature, and policy create challenges and drive solutions for a sustainable planet.

Interesting Articles
Hill Country Alliance interview about 2022 State of the Hill Country report (begins at 10:25)
UTSA Professor’s New Study Shows The Hidden Energy Costs of Swimming Pools
Pumped beyond limits, many U.S. aquifers in decline
Millions in debt, a community wonders if its water source will provide
Remember the water cycle from junior high? It doesn’t work that way anymore
Legislation to Ban Microbeads Passes House
32 Companies Join Forces For Global Alliance on Water and Climate Change
Could Your Urine Be Florida Field’s New Fertilizer?
Community Fund Grant Winner: Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance [Interview]
2016 Regional Water Plan
Urban trees provide pollution solution
Eight Mind-Melting Water Tricks You Can Try At Home
Texas Water Re souse Institute offers watershed monitoring, planning to stakeholders
Threat of drought proves flood resistant
SAWS lifts water restrictions after heavy storms replenished Edwards Aquifer
LCRA moving ahead with Wharton County reservoir
Texas A&M Bush School Researchers Report On Connections Among Water, Energy And Food Policy Issues
Texas Water Development Board to hold hearing on emergency flood funding
Metzger, Smith: Our water infrastructure isn’t up to task to handle pollution
New Questions Face San Antonio Water Pipeline
Abengoa Bonds Fall to Records After Report HSBC Withdrew Support
Release Water Report Before Discussing Rates
Water Environment Federation Releases Future Of Stormwater Repor
Environmental Group Opposes State Water Grid
Could A 62-Mile Floating Wall Clean Up the Ocean?
City, SAWS delaying water report
San Antonio Water System deal expected to boost city’s military efforts
High-profile urban planner joins UT, may help guide Austin
Feral hog and healthy streams program set for Sept. 1 in Seguin
Latinos And The Environment
Drought’s Lasting Impact on Forests
Conserving Water Is a Smart Strategy To Employ Before The Next Drought
Can Living With Long-Term Drought Cause Trauma?
Shrimp season devastated by freshwater
Heavy Rains On Sprawling Communities Contribute To Texas Flooding
Scientists discover tiny microbes with potential to cleanse waterways
Report highlights security risks of persistent drought
Feds laud energy-saving efforts at Fort Worth wastewater reclamation facility
Charting a Path Towards Integrated Water Resources
Tribe + Water: The Q&A: Yongli Gao
Community Assistance from the : National Park Service
Greening the Tea Party
Legislation Would Curtail Citizens’ Ability to Challenge Pollution Permits
FM 150 Improvements
Isaac Jumping Into Hays County Water Fight
Conference Materials: 2015 Central Texas Water Conservation Symposium
Trinity Aquifer Pumping May Impact Recreation Hot Spots
Lake Waco Wetlands Project — More Than Just a Mitigation Project
Watch Medina Lake slowly disappear with time-lapse satellite photos
Hays Water Fight Portends Battles to Come
Project WILD/Aquatic WILD Combo Workshop

Creatures of the Deep Karst