Member Groups


The Edwards Aquifer Ecosystem of Central Texas is one of our most valuable, irreplaceable, and endangered public treasures.  It is our right and duty to preserve and protect the Aquifer, its contributing Hill Country watersheds, its great springs, and its native biodiversity for the benefit of all residents and future generations.  

GEAA member groups are united across a  21-county region in Central and South Texas behind a plan to support the Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan (EAPP).  GEAA goes by 100% consensus of its member groups to support the EAPP.

Click HERE to view the document

To view our Interactive Map of all GEAA Member Groups click HERE.

Click HERE to learn about becoming a member group.

Member Group Spotlights

The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance is proudly made up of 59 nonprofit member groups united in our common goals of protecting the Edwards Aquifer, its springs and contributing streams, and the cultural heritage of the Texas Hill Country and its watersheds.
GEAA is currently building links to features for each of its member groups, beginning with our founding members below.  Learn how these organizations came to be and what they are doing to support the well-being of the water and land and that means so much to each of us!