Become a Member Group

Terms of Membership

Comprised of fifty-seven member organizations, the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) advocates for sustainable management and economic development principles within the Texas Hill Country and the environmentally sensitive Edwards Aquifer Region.

GEAA brings people from across South Texas together to capitalize on the skills of veteran organizers, to provide support for the work that they are doing, and to build influence at the state level by uniting our voices.

Our goals are:

  • To produce and distribute educational materials that will assist public and
    private sector decision makers to take actions to protect and sustain the quality and quantity of Edwards Aquifer flows. GEAA publishes and distributes informational materials that beautifully illustrate the workings of our karst aquifer and what needs to be done to make sure that the Edwards will be a clean and reliable source of water for future generations. We disseminate information about aquifer protection at public events throughout the region – from tractor pulls and goat roping competitions to Earth Day events. In this way GEAA representatives educate thousands of people from all walks of life about what they can do to preserve the Edwards Aquifer.
  • To expand and aid the coordination of existing public interest advocacy for sustainable water and land use practices in the Greater Edwards Aquifer region. The only way that the interests of the citizens who rely on the Edwards Aquifer will be protected is through a well-coordinated agenda that is advocated by grassroots groups from throughout the region. GEAA unites citizens and groups from the twenty-two counties to facilitate communication on legislative issues that are important to each group, as well as to all groups, through the use of e-mail list serves, regularly scheduled meetings, and outreach efforts by GEAA staff and the Speakers Bureau. GEAA is a member of the Alliance for a Clean Texas (ACT) and the Texas Conservation Alliance, and Texans by Nature.
  • To catalyze much greater investment by private non-profit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, and individuals in Edwards Aquifer watershed preservation and sustainable water and land-use practices.

GEAA member groups work with students and faculty at central Texas’ institutions of higher learning, with citizens and private businesses, and with scientists, attorneys and other professionals committed to sustainable land and water use practices in the Edwards Aquifer region. GEAA awards sub-grants to groups actively engaged in their communities and aids citizens in their campaigns to protect the aquifer by providing expert advice in legal and technical matters, fundraising, marketing and organizing. We believe that working together is critical to protecting the Edwards Aquifer, its springs and watersheds, and the flora, fauna and populations that rely on this marvelous resource.

We invite you to join GEAA as a member organization. There are no dues, though contributions are appreciated.

By agreeing to become a member group we must have a letter from the member organization on letterhead requesting to become a GEAA member group, accompanied by a statement of endorsement for our Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan. This request can be e-mailed to or mailed to GEAA at PO Box 15618, San Antonio, Texas 78212.

To follow is a one-page summary of the plan. The entire plan can be accessed from our web site HERE.

Endorsement of this document permits GEAA to take positions consistent with the plan on behalf of our member groups. Any position on an issue that is not specifically included in the Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan requires 100% consensus of our member groups.

Although we adhere pretty strictly to our mission and the goals outlined in the Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan, on rare occasions we have been faced with taking a position on water related issues outside of this purview. In this event, representatives from each group will be polled as to whether they agree or not with the proposed position. We allow for a minimum of two week’s discussion by our member groups (usually more) before a reply is required. If there is not 100% consensus, GEAA does not endorse the position in question.

The only on-going requirement that we have is for each of our member groups to appoint from among their membership an individual who will serve as a point of contact to connect the member group with GEAA. We require a phone number, e-mail address and mailing address so that we can contact our member groups as needed.

The member group contact person will receive communications from GEAA regarding actions, events (GEAA events or those of our member groups) and other items of interest. Whether or not to pass this information on to your members is at your discretion. Likewise, you may share information for GEAA to pass on, which we will do at our discretion. We endeavor to keep our member groups connected and to support the issues, events, and fundraising campaigns of all of our groups.

We hold meetings of our member groups four times annually, alternating between virtual meetings, venues here in San Antonio, and various sites elsewhere throughout the Edwards Region. To facilitate participation from among our far-flung member groups, we arrange for those who cannot join us in person to do so via zoom. Attendance at these meetings is not required. As issues arise, much of the business of GEAA is conducted through regular communication by e-mail.

I hope the enclosed information gives you an idea of what we are about, and whether it is desirable and appropriate for y’all to join us in our efforts to protect one of our most precious natural resources. If you have any questions, or would like someone to come and make a presentation to your group, please contact Annalisa Peace at your convenience at (210) 320-6294 / We look forward to hearing from you soon, and to working with you in the future.

For more information, contact Annalisa Peace at (210) 320-6294 /