Texans For Every Drop Business Membership

Texans for Every Drop (TED) is a group of forward thinking local business owners who are invested in the preservation of the Edwards Aquifer and Texas Hill Country.

This campaign is aimed at establishing a connection between fellow business owners, their patrons, and each of us living in south Texas who depend on the health of the Edwards.

What Does It Mean To Be A Member of TED?

  • TED Business Members are “companies for the environment” with an intentional focus on conservation and sustainable practices.
  • You recognize that your business helps sustain a large part of what makes Texas a unique place to live and work.
  • You support the preservation of the Hill Country’s scenic beauty and cultural heritage.
  • You understand that the work of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance depends on support from business owners like you.

Benefits of Joining TED

  • A colorful window/door decal identifying you as a business that cares about the “Hidden Heart of Texas”.
  • Recognition of your business on the Texans for Every Drop page on our website.
  • Recognition as a new member in an e-blast sent to over 5,000+ GEAA subscribers in San Antonio, Austin, and the Texas Hill Country.  (Benefactor and Champions will also receive a dedicated          e-blast profiling your company’s investment in the protection and preservation of the Edwards Aquifer.
  • Recognition in a Social Media post welcoming your organization as a new member.  (Benefactor and Champions will also receive a dedicated post profiling your company’s investment in environmental stewardship in San Antonio and the Hill Country).
  • Recognition in the GEAA Annual Report.
  • An invitation to join our informative social gatherings for news, updates, GEAA’s progress, and excellent networking opportunities.
  • An opportunity to host a GEAA expert at your office. Our speaker will educate your staff about what actions they can take to help improve water quality and quantity in our community(employee loyalty grows when they see their employer working to make a difference in the community they love).
  • Acknowledgment on screen and in event materials at GEAA fundraising events.