The GEAA Mission


The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes effective broad-based advocacy for protection and preservation of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers, their springs, watersheds, and the Texas Hill Country that sustains them.

The Edwards Aquifer is the source of the largest springs in Texas and the sole source of drinking water for more than 2 million Central Texas residents.


  • Producing and distributing educational materials that will assist public and private sector decision makers to take actions to protect and sustain the quality and quantity of Edwards Aquifer flows.
  • Expanding and aiding the coordination of existing public interest for sustainable water and land use practices in the Greater Edwards Aquifer region.
  • Catalyzing greater investment by private non-profit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, and individuals in Edwards Aquifer watershed preservation and sustainable water and land-use practices.


The Edwards Aquifer Ecosystem of Central Texas is one of our most valuable, irreplaceable, and endangered public treasures.  It is our right and duty to preserve and protect the Aquifer, its contributing Hill Country watersheds, its great springs, and its native biodiversity for the benefit of all residents and future generations.  

GEAA member groups are united across a  21-county region in Central and South Texas behind a plan to support the Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan (EAPP).  GEAA goes by 100% consensus of its member groups to support the EAPP.

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