Latest News
Support Table for Stormwater Recommendations
Summary of policy changes and recommendations to improve stormwater management Deborah Reid, Technical Director Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance Spring 2018 Goals of recommended changes: Prevent additional flooding from new development and incentivize more sustainable stormwater management measures. Increase implementation of guidelines set forth in the Master Plan Policies (1997), the Comprensive Master Plan Framework (2010), SA2020 (2011), SA Tomorrow Comprehensive Plant (2016) and any subsequent stormwater management and water quality goals. Remove all segments of San Antonio’s streams and rivers from the State’s list of impaired water bodies while meeting and exceeding the City’s MS4 permit requirements. Insure that taxpayers are
Forum to Discuss Local Options for Hill Country Counties – 6/5/2018
Forum to Discuss Local Options for Hill Country Counties Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Place: GVTC Auditorium, 36101 FM 3159, New Braunfels (near US 281) It’s a well-known fact that Texans hold fast and true to their rights as private property owners, and property owners generally have the right to develop and use their property in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. But what happens when the federal, state or local laws and regulations lend themselves to land fragmentation and degradation? What are land owners to do when their neighbor’s business causes concerns
GEAA releases Position Paper and Recommendations for Managing Stormwater in San Antonio, Texas
A team of experts convened by GEAA in October 2017 has sent a report to the City of San Antonio detailing recommendations for better managing stormwater. Our findings were distributed to the Mayor and San Antonio City Council on February 22, 2018. GEAA will continue to advocate adoption of these recommendations by the City of San Antonio, and are grateful to Mayor Nirenberg and members of City Council for prioritizing this issue. You can read our Position Paper and Recommendations for Managing Stormwater here and read more from the Rivard Report here.
Planning for Growth for Comal County
February 2nd & 3rd Presentations from the Conference Overview of the State of Comal County Bob Templeton President, Templeton Demographics Bob has been the primary school demographer in the state of Texas for the last 10 years. Templeton Demographics has helped over 100 school districts in planning for their future facility needs. Templeton Demographics Tom Hornseth Comal County Engineer Tom is a Graduate of the University of Minnesota, BS Civil Engineering, and a Texas Registered Professional Engineer. In 1992, he became Comal County Engineer, where his responsibilities include operation of the County Road Department; administration of Subdivision, Floodplain, Addressing, and Sewage Facility regulations; management of the Parks Department and Rural
Community Rain Garden Project
What is a Rain Garden? Community Rain Gardens Project Synopsis Community Rain Gardens and Under Your Feet Campaign Implementing Low Impact Development: A Process for BMPs Site Selection – July 2017 Improve Stormwater Treatment at UTSA PP Low Impact Development, Rain Gardens & Clean Water Study with UTSA College of Architecture and GEAA Watershed Stwardship for the Edwards Aquifer Region: A Low Impact Development Manual How to get a Rain Garden Community Rain Garden Application Low Impact Development, Rain Gardens & Clean Water Receive a Rain Garden in your neighborhood Flyer Woods of Shavano Rain Garden Day 1 – September 17,
Carbon Offsets — EcoShare
Be your own hero. Choose a plan that helps the planet and reduces your carbon footprint. When you sign up for the EcoShare program, a small amount is added to your monthly bill. A portion will go to EarthShare of Texas and a portion will go towards purchasing carbon offsets. EcoShare contributions have helped raise nearly half a million dollars to help EarthShare of Texas support dozens of local environmental groups. Make a difference each month and keep Texas beautiful; it’s our way of helping you make a change. For more information, follow this link to the EarthShare of Texas website or
Chisum Amendment to TCEQ Bill Passes – see how your rep voted
Citizens across Texas suffered a significant loss of their rights protect private property and water resources when the State House of Representatives voted last night
GEAA opposes Chisum Amendment
A very serious threat to our ability to control pollution here in Texas is coming up in the House of Representatives today (Tuesday, April 19th).
Join Us in Making 2011 A Great Year for the Aquifer!
You are cordially invited to celebrate the 6th Birthday of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance at a Cocktail Fundraiser at Willow Way January 28th, 2011
TCEQ Hearing at the Capitol-December 15th
Dear GEAA Members and Friends, The Sunset Advisory Commission public hearing on TCEQ will take place on Wednesday, December 15th. Join us that day in
Hearing on Edwards Rules
It is once more time for the annual TCEQ Hearing on the rules that regulate development on the Edwards Aquifer. As you are all aware,
Ebay Holiday Auction- Call for Donations
Dear GEAA Members and Friends, The holiday season is coming upon us fast! Once Thanksgiving passes, we will be bombarded with holiday paraphernalia, Christmas lights