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Save the Date! Celebrity Roast Honoring Senator Van de Putte
You’re invited to a Celebrity Roast honoring Senator Leticia Van de Putte Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:30 – 7:30 cocktails (complimentary beer and wine /cash bar) 7:30 dinner will be served St. Anthony Hotel 300 E. Travis Street San Antonio, Texas Join Roast Master Victor Landa and Roasters Representative Trey Martinez Fischer Representative Ruth Jones McClendon Senator Carlos Uresti Carlos Guerra Margaret Montemayor Ginger Purdy Roland San Miguel John Valenzuela and others for an evening of hilarity at the expense of our favorite wise Latina! Tickets: $60/person – $50/GEAA members To purchase tickets, visit GEAA’s online store or call 210-320-1457 RSVP
Brown is Beautiful
To address the severe drought conditions we are experiencing throughout the region, GEAA is mounting a campaign to give bragging rights to all of us who are pitching in to conserve water this summer. We have three versions of yard signs available for display in your front yard that announce, “I’m not watering – I’m sharing my water with local farmers, our Hill Country springs, or Whooping Cranes.” GEAA members are aware of the need to maintain flows from the Comal and San Marcos springs to provide freshwater that Whooping Cranes (and river outfitters) rely upon for their livelihood. And, doesn’t
Conflict brews over recharge development in San Marcos
San Marcos City Council members voted 6-1 last week in favor of annexing 22.5 acres of aquifer recharge land on which out-of-town developers intend to place 40 units of townhomes and two lots of neighborhood commercial buildings. Biologist and Science Director for the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance Tom Hayes asked council to vote against the annexation, “That recharge dam is on (Sink Creek). The creek is the major recharge to Spring Lake. If you sediment it, if you put the pollutants in that flood control dam, they’re going to be going directly into the springs. You cannot do that … The
Annalisa is blogging for the San Antonio Express-News!
We are pleased to announce that the San Antonio Express News has given Annalisa her own blog to report what is going on with the Edwards Aquifer, the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance, and our member groups. You can link to her blog here: Water Wonk Adding New Voices to the Blogosphere. To read her latest entry, go here: No Silver Bullets for Treating Emerging Water Pollutants. Enjoy!
Prevent Gridlock on Mopac: Act NOW to Stop the Aquifer Toll Road!
Do we need more highway lanes over the Barton Springs Recharge Zone? Elected officials who sit on the board of CAMPO, Austin’s local transportation planning agency, are considering the proposed extension of State Highway 45 Southwest, a 4 to 6 lane toll road that would connect the southern end of Mopac to FM 1626 and I-35. They will make a decision on Monday, June 8th. Watch a video animation that illustrates the damage that 45 SW would do to Mopac traffic, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, and the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer. View a map of the proposed highway extension
Check it out! Texas Water Resource Institute’s Newsletter
TWRI’s New Waves 2009 e-newsletter includes great articles relevant to water resource protection in Central Texas. Topics that might interest GEAA members include: a request for applications for the Mills Scholarship (for graduate students interested in water issues); TCEQ and TSSWCB’s annual report on Texas water quality; studies on new “smart” home irrigation units; and USGS’s new karst website. To view the newsletter, click here.
AGUA and CASE sign on to Lawsuits to protect Local Endangered Species
Final Legal Challenge Filed to Bush Administration’s Political Interference in Endangered Species Decisions; Half a Million Acres of Protection Sought for 19 Species in Nine
Judge Biery delivers lucid ruling on AGUA/TURF Hwy. 281 Case
U.S. District Court Judge Fred Biery denies a motion by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to dismiss as moot a lawsuit by GEAA member group
Hills of Castle Rock Development Settlement Reached
GEAA and San Geronimo Valley Alliance (SGVA) are very pleased to announce that a settlement agreement has been finalized between SGVA and BP Properties, Ltd.
Aquifer Groups Host US Fish and Wildlife Town Hall Meeting on Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnows
Aquifer Groups Host US Fish and Wildlife Town Hall Meeting on Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnows When: Monday, September 22nd at 5:00 p.m. Where:
Joe Straus Elected Speaker
AUSTIN – Texas legislators unanimously elected Rep. Joe Straus III speaker of the state House Tuesday, making Straus the first San Antonio leader of the