Planning for Growth in Comal County

February 2nd & 3rd Presentations from the Conference 

Overview of the State of Comal County

Bob Templeton
President, Templeton Demographics

Bob has been the primary school demographer in the state of Texas for the last 10 years. Templeton Demographics has helped over 100 school districts in planning for their future facility needs.
Templeton Demographics

Tom Hornseth
Comal County Engineer
Tom is a Graduate of the University of Minnesota, BS Civil Engineering, and a Texas Registered Professional Engineer. In 1992, he became Comal County Engineer, where his responsibilities include operation of the County Road Department; administration of Subdivision, Floodplain, Addressing, and Sewage Facility regulations; management of the Parks Department and Rural Recycling; and large construction projects.
Growth & Unincorporated Areas of Comal County

Protecting Watersheds and Water

Meredith Miller
Senior Program Coordinator for the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
Meredith holds a master’s of Science in Biology from Texas State University and studied Water Resources Management and Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia. Her more than 10 years of experience in watershed and coastal zone protection planning include water quality management efforts, coastal preservation and restoration, agricultural and range land efficiency, and river and estuary toxicology studies.
Regional Watershed Planning Efforts, Lessons Learned

Nancy Pappas
Chair, Comal Trail Alliance
Nancy Pappas is the Managing Director of New Braunfels Utilities’ Headwaters at the Comal project. Her career has included many positions in non-profit management with a focus on health issues as well as volunteer leadership of several boards and organizations on issues related to health, education, and the outdoors in Comal County.
Protecting Comal’s Springs and Streams

Preserving Open Spaces/ Parks

Todd Votteler, PhD.
Executive Manager of Science, Intergovernmental Relations and Policy for the Guadalupe–Blanco River Authority. He is a co-founder and the Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Water Journal. He is President of Collaborative Water Resolution, LLC, which offers clients decades of experience in the resolution of intractable water and environmental conflicts.
The Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust: Conserving the Land and Water of the Guadalupe River Watershed

Will Abberger
Vice President, Director, Conservation Finance, The Trust for Public Land
Will is Director of the Trust for Public Land’s national Conservation Finance Program, helping state and local governments and citizen groups throughout the United States gauge public support for open space and craft ballot and legislative measures that generate new sources of funding for parks and land conservation. He has been directly involved in more than ninety local and state land conservation ballot measures and numerous legislative campaigns.
State and Local Funding for Parks and Conservation

Stacey Dicke
Parks and Recreation Director, City of New Braunfels
Stacey Dicke has been the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of New Braunfels since 2004. She worked with local citizens to organize and form the New Braunfels Parks Foundation in 2006. The Foundation and the City have worked together on various projects in order to grow and improve the parks system in New Braunfels.
New Braunfels Parks Foundation: Partnering for Parks

Parks Presentation on Comal Trinity

Groundwater Conservation District  Larry Hull

February 2nd & 3rd Reports from the Conference

2017 Planning Growth Comal County Report
Executive Summary of Comal Polls
Comal Breakout Sessions – Participant Input
Comal Evaluatons
Figures for Comal County


New Braunfels Herald Zeitung “Dealing with growth: Conference aimed at conservation in Comal County”
Texas Land Trends – The Hill Country
City Seeks Input on Envision New Braunfels

Upcoming Events

Texas Water Symposium to discuss watershed plans for growing region – February 23
New Braunfels Comprehensive Plan Public Workshop – March 6th

LWV- Future of Transportation and Air Quality in Comal County – March 23
Geronimo/Alligator Creek Watershed Clean-up Event – April 8
2017 National Citizen Survey Now Open to All Residents – May 1st
Regional Water Planning Assistance Workshop – May 12
Stormwater Conference and LID Competition – September 17-21

Watershed Advisory Committee
Application Deadline – 3/16/17
(The Commission meets on an as needed basis)
Applications for this board must state which seat the applicant is applying for.
– 2 openings for terms ending March 18, 2020
– 1 Engineering Professional, 1 with Biological or Environmental Interest

Click here for an application.
Click here for online submittal.
Click here for more information about each board/commission.

Presented by
Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance
Hill County Alliance
League of Women Voters