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Presentations - Issues


Overview of 2024 Interim Legislative Actions-GEAA Member Group Meeting Rachel Hanes 6-1-24
Climate Change Resilience & Regional Recreation Talk – GEAA Member Group Meeting Barker/Elderidge 6-1-24


Importance of Protecting the Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone/Trinity Aquifer Recharge Zone-Trinity Glen Rose Presentation 7-2023
SBCA Presentation 8-16-23
Preserving Open Space in Comal County: Challenges and Opportunities Presentation to the New Braunfels Parks Advisory Board 1/10/23


Opportunities to conserve land and riparian areas through the Regional Flood Planning Process- presentation to the RFPG 12-15-22


Conserving the Edwards Plateau: Land, Water, and Development The interface between land and water has a long history of grounding our economy, patterns of growth, and our quality of life here in Central Texas.  Join the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance and the Texas Real Estate Advocacy and Defense Coalition for a presentation by Char Miller on the interdependence of land and water and the need to conserve these resources.
The Edwards Aquifer: Our Unique Treasure by Annalisa Peace
Importance of the Contributing Zone when Protecting the Edwards Aquifer by Dr. Ronald T. Green 
GEAA Annalisa Peace End Discussion on EAPP Significance
EAPP Question & Answer Session with Annalisa Peace & Dr. Ron Green
Partnering for Stronger Communities from San Antonio, Texas to Kigali, Rwanda 
Rev UDC Workshop Stormwater 3-2020


San Antonio Climate Ready “Water Sponge/ Carbon Sink” City 9-17-19 presentation
Impact of Highways on the Edwards Aquifer
A Hill Country Road Strategy


Options for Counties -June 5, 2018
Stormwater Support Presentation 4-18


Managing Natural Resources: Challenges and Opportunities


4S Ranch, Bulverde and ETJ Water Quality Permit amendment
Edwards/Trinity Aquifer – Unique Challenges for LID – January 20, 2015
Watersheds Presentation UTHCS – February 7, 2015
Teeming with Wildlife Eco-summit – July 24, 2015
Wells Fargo Environmental Solutions for Community Rain Gardens August 3, 2015
Contributing zones is Impairing Water Quality – October 3, 2015
A Close Look at the Vista Ridge Water Pipeline – November 12, 2015


GreenGSA: Flash Flooding in Karstic Terrains in South-Central Texas – 2014
Water and Wastewater Service to Crescent Hills – February 2014
SAWS Role In Development of the Edwards Aquifer – October 29, 2014-Final


Why a County-wide Groundwater Conservation District is needed in Comal County – 2013
Sustainablitiy. Tranportation, and Carsharing – March 19, 2013
GCD Trinity Edwards Interfromational Flow Study – September 10, 2013


Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Water Budget Analysis – March 21, 2011
Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Presentation – September 24, 2011
Historical Texas Drought Update – October 18, 2011
Environmental Geology – November 8, 2011


The Edwards Aquifer Ecosystem Presentation – September 2010


AACOG: Smart Growth Application – February 27, 2008
Impact of Highways on the Edwards Aquifer – August 28, 2008
San Antonio Urban Ecosystem Analysis – December 2008


Development and Degradation of Water Quality – November 17, 2005
Low Impact Design: Managing Stormwater for Central Texas Karst Regions
The Edwards Aquifer Geology
Elementary Cave Presentation
Increased Urbanization in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge and 
GEAA Education Outreach Program Presentation
Impacts of Urbanization on Water Resources Presentation
The Edwards Aquifer: A Global Perspective
“Protecting caves and karst features protects the aquifer”
Heavily Irrigated and Chemically-Treated Turf
An Introduction to Save Our Springs Alliance
Joann’s High School PowerPoint